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About: florian

Recent Posts by florian

KineticJS HTML5 Canvas Framework

This will probably be used by us in the near future: KineticJS HTML5 Canvas Framework.

Oberste Beulmann

We completely reworked the old Oberste Beulmann website, regarding look, content and functionality. The new design contains a detailed information delivery programm with all the available steel types. The website is available in 5 languages and is constantly being evolved.


Blatt und Blume

The Flowershop »Blatt und Blume«-Schockert which is based in Wegberg Uevekoven has a new Webseite created by us. The complete design and code was done by Digital Noises.

Bronk & Company

Malik from Schlicht & Ergreifend created this beautiful Webdesign for Bronk & Company.  

Recent Comments by florian