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Rechtsanwälte Reitz

Reitz #2

The SEO Project “Rechtsanwälte Reitz” is just about to be harvested. The English google.com show the attorneys on page 1 (position 5). The German google.de-site shows them on page 3. After 3 months Reitz did it from page 10. (Keyword “Anwalt Aachen”, this was the case on Dec. 12th 2007, they rose up to the first 10 results on google.)

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Zur Artikel-Einzelansicht
  • 12.12.2007


Searchword optimization

chancellery Reitz

The lawyers “kanzlei Reitz” in Aachen close to the dutch border wanted a better Result on searchengines. So we’ve been doing a SEO-job in cooperation with the designer Malik Aziz of “schlicht & ergreifend“.


Are you looking for a lawywer in Aachen?

Beispiel im Einzelartikel
Zur Artikel-Einzelansicht
  • 28.08.2007