»Sudo instead of please.« »Viral ist, wenn man trotzdem linkt.« »Designer.« »Dinosigner.« »How can we be of service?« »Innovative? Yes, we catalyse trends!« »GEMA; no more.« »Jetzt gibt’s was auf die Ohren!« »Dada-Ad!« »How can we be of service?« Audiovisuelle Komposition

You look where they look | User Experience Strategy, Usability Testing, Eye Tracking – UsableWorld

You look where they look | User Experience Strategy, Usability Testing, Eye Tracking – UsableWorld

Did you know that the images of faces that capture people’s attention can be used to guide people around a website or an ad? I thought it was obvious! However, when I was representing Objective Digital atad:tech Sydney 09 last week I mentioned it to people, and they were amazed! I realised it was worth posting about it!